Rose Macarons

For tips from Pierre Herme’s “Macaron” book click here

I know I said previously that I would take a break from posting any more macaron recipes but I recently joined Mactweets a new blogroll for fellow macaron bakers. This month’s theme was Valentines and I was at bit of a loss for what to do. I’m single, gay and not really into valentines (im a bit of a cynic) and wasn’t really loving the theme. Originally I thought I could do an anti-valentines post but I couldn’t really think of anything other than liquorice (it being black!) but in the end I caved and thought I would go with the spirit of the theme and went all out romantic with a healthy sprinkling of pink with rose as the flavour. This post is also quite timely in that Pierre Herme has finally, after years of rumours, opened a shop in London. As of 5th February you can now buy his Macarons from a small concession in Selfridges on Oxford Street, and later this year he will be opening a fully-fledged store in Kensington. Just a shame I don’t live in London.

My brother paid a visit and finally got to taste Herme’s macarons for himself. He also found out that the Macaron book by Herme, previously only available in French, will soon be available in English (its due to be published in June). I also did a bit of experimentation with French v Italian meringue and with the oven temperature. I had found, with previous batches, that the feet of the macarons extended to the side too much, which is normally a sign of an oven turned up too high. I have found that using Herme’s Italian meringue recipe cooks, for me, best at about 140C for about 13 minutes.  I haven’t made a French style meringue in a long time but sometimes im not in the mood for boiling sugar so I whipped up a batch using Veronica’s updated recipe. They were a disaster. An absolute failure.  The batter ended up too runny so when they baked I ended up with one giant macaron, which looked liked bubble wrap, so ill be staying with my usual recipe for the moment. I filled these macarons with a raspberry pate-de-fruit but im not perfectly happy with that so wont post the recipe just yet.

Rose Macarons – Pierre Herme

300g Ground Almonds

300g Icing Sugar

110g Egg Whites, aged

5g Red Food Colouring

300g Granulated Sugar

75g Water

110 Egg Whites, aged

Rose Buttercream

200g Granulated Sugar

75g Water

150g Eggs

90g Egg Yolks

400g Butter, very soft

4g Rose Essence (I used rose water)

50g Rose Syrup (natco brand)

1. Mix the ground almonds and icing sugar together. Sieve into a large bowl. Mix the colouring into the first portion of egg whites and pour this onto the sugar/almond mixture but don’t mix in.

2. Pour the water and sugar into a saucepan and swirl together. Add the second portion of egg whites to a mixer fitted with the whisk. Cook the syrup to 118C. Once the mixture reaches 115C start the mixer on high. Once the syrup reaches 118C take straight of the heat and pour in a thin stream down the side of the mixer bowl continuing to whisk on high.

3. Continue to whisk the meringue on high until the side of the bowl is no longer hot. You still want it a little warm, around 50C. Add all of the meringue to the bowl with the almond sugar mixture.

4. Using a large spatula fold the mixture together until it starts to shine and forms a ribbon that stays visible for about 30 seconds.

5. Add the mixture to a piping bag fitted with a plain tip and pipe into alternating lines onto parchment lined baking sheets. Set aside for about 30 minutes or until the macarons have formed a skin that doesn’t stick to your finger.

6. Whilst the macarons are drying preheat your oven to 140C. Once ready bake the macarons for around 13 mintues. Remove the baking trays and immediately slide off the macarons and the parchment onto the work surface and let cool completely before removing the shells.

Rose Buttercream

1. Add the sugar and water to a saucepan and cook over medium heat to 120C. Whilst the syrup is coming to temperature add the eggs and egg yolks to the bowl of a stand mixer with the whisk and whisk until the thicken and lighten in colour.

2. With the mixer still on slowly pour the syrup down the side of the bowl and continue to whisk until cooled.

3. Switch to the beater begin to beat in the butter at medium/high speed one or two pieces at a time. Once all the butter is beaten in and the buttercream is smooth beat in the rose syrup and essence.


I have got into the habit of blitzing the almond/icing sugar in a food processor for a short while, to try and make the store bought ground almond more finely ground.

If you overcook the syrup for the macarons you will end up with thick and hard shells so I always take the sugar off the heat one or two degrees early (it will reach the right temp off the heat).

If by the time you have piped one row you still have peaks, the batter needs more folding so put the batter back in the bowl and give a few (maybe 5) more folds.

If your butter isn’t warm enough your buttercream will look like scrambled eggs but persevere just beat on high for a couple of minutes until it smoothes out.

43 responses to “Rose Macarons

  1. cookbookapprentice

    These are just beautiful! I haven’t yet tried to make macarons but have seen so much talk about making them through Twitter and various blogs that I’m moving closer to giving them a try. I got a kick out of your idea for doing black Valentine’s Day macarons and think they would be beautiful and delicious! So how did these taste?

    • They tasted wonderfully the rose wasn’t too strong so wasn’t off putting and it worked really well with the raspberry

  2. Well considering that I find macaroons (that’s how we spell it here in Australia!) somewhat of a chore, you definitely get my vote for this valiant effort! They look absolutely delicious, and oh so cute. I may just have to give these a go! 🙂

  3. These are stunning – some of the prettiest macarons I’ve seen. I’ve not made macarons yet but am planning to – this recipe might be the ones I try first.
    I popped into Pierre Hermes concession in Selfridges on Sat and picked up 4 macarons for my hubby and I – vanilla, chocolate, salted caramel and strawberry wasabi. They were absolutely stunning to look at and even better to taste! I got given a little leaflet with all available flavours and info about the English book. I highly recommend visiting!
    I got a sneaky pic of the display with my mobile phone if you want to see some of the display

  4. Haha, it’s not just you, Edd- I’m in a long-term relationship and I don’t think I’ve ever liked Valentine’s day! I think it’s just a stupid commercial holiday, designed to sell loads of ugly cards and cheap stuff.

    That said, those macarons are SO pretty that they could make anyone a believer! I’m in awe of your skill with them, I’ve never tried to make any as the idea terrifies me. At least now I have Pierre Herme for when I need a fix!

    • Thanks Ele practice makes perfect I guess, and you totally right about Valentines totally commercial but if someone was to make me something it would totally win me over

  5. Beautiful! I’m not a fan of macarons, but with these, I could be tempted…

    You won’t be needing Herme ones if you can make your own as well as this 😉

  6. Love the color of the macaroons!

  7. Gorgeous! I love the pink =) I have to say though, I know what you mean about being slightly anti-valentine’s. For a change, my latest post was not pink. I need to give the Italian version another go, I tend to stick with the French one. Great post.

  8. Ha ha I am so glad that we forced your hand and you caved in because your pink macs are fabulous! We are also anti-V Day but I love the kitschy side of it and I love baking for it! Thanks for baking these beautiful macs!!!

  9. I can’t believe how well your macarons turn out. Why can’t I do that?!?!?

  10. These look absolutely stunning! I really want to try making macaroons, and I’ll definitely be coming back here for tips.

  11. They were all really tasty, although I found the salted caramel a bit too salty but then I’m not 100% a fan of it – my husband loved it.

    The strawberry wasabi was mainly strawberry with a tiny hint of wasabi in the background which really worked together -next time I’ll try the matcha green tea with crispy black sesame and the strawberry balsamic 🙂

  12. WOOT! Those are absolutely fab macs, and I love how you brought them together! Anti-valentine …LOL. These are winners all the way. Love the cross section too. I have NEVER been abe to get mine look as perfect as yours; the ‘bubble wrap’ batches I achieve without fail!!
    Thank you for joining us. I ♥ the macs you made. Precious & perfect!!

  13. Beautiful rose pink macs, yummy raspberry filling and fantastic feet! I’m sorta anti-VD-Day myself after a bad breakup and I think my macs kind of exhibit that, in a subconcious way LOL

  14. Beautiful macarons! It kills me how perfect your macarons look on the tray after piping.

    I haven’t tried PH’s recipe, but I’ll keep your post bookmarked for the near-future.

  15. These are so beautiful! I think the more I read on the more I felt I could never attempt to make them though. Maybe one day I’ll get brave and buy a sugar thermometer and give them a go – they’re so pretty.

    I really don’t go in for Valentine’s Day – feels all awkward and forced. But I do enjoy all the cakes and so on that come with it!

  16. Pingback: Pierre Herme’s “Macaron” « He-Eats

  17. Another thing – where did you get the Buckingham Palace apron? Want.

    • I could lie and say I got it whilst working there but the truth is my sister bought me it from the palace when she visited my brother who lives in london

  18. I love a good French buttercream. Your macs must have been fabulous!!

  19. They look ab-so-lute-ly fabulous! You can’t imagine how happy I am to finally come across a few good instructions and an ingredients list in good ol’ plain grams and litres instead of the more common American ‘cups’ of measurement.

    I will definitely see if I can at least attempt to create perfection; if not I’ll have to pop into the store next week and see how that works out!

    Fantastic post.

  20. They are gorgeous. I have yet to try my hands on this method. My little family is tired of eating macs, except little one. LOL! She loves macs and I can understand why – SUGAR! She’s boundless of energy so I don’t need her to be more energized by sugar consumption. :p

  21. This is the coolest thing ever! Can’t wait to try!
    They are so pretty – love macaroons!

  22. Pingback: Mint Chocolate Macarons « He-Eats

  23. they look amazinggggg!!! i’ve tried a couple times and haven’t gotten them perfect yet.. 😦

  24. I used this recipe to make rose shells for raspberry macarons. thanks so much for posting it.
    I hope to get the PH book once the english version is in print.

  25. Pingback: Paris Macarons « He-Eats

  26. Steve Bronsburg

    Can’t wait to buy the English version of Macaron. I will look for it in June.

  27. You’ve really tempted me… and you make it look so easy! But be honest, how hard are they to make?
    I’m a pretty good cook… but when it comes to baking, I’m rather on the “amateur side” as in to doing intricate things…

  28. Your looks so amazing! Though mine seem to be hollow inside. They look completely find on the outside and I mean its not really noticeable when I bite into one sandwich with some buttercream, but when i excavate one ,for observation and perfection’s sake, they are either completely hollow or have huge caves of nothingness inside. I know this is a common problem, but if u have any tips i would so appreciate it!

  29. Hi – I’m a big fan of your baking! But I’m a little confused?

    Your recipe calls for 110 egg whites!! Is that 11 or 10 or, indeed 110?

    … waiting eagerly by the bowl, 110 eggs at my side, just in case 😉

  30. Oh it’s ok … heart attack over … I checked on another page!! It’s [ g ] of liquefied – phew 🙂

    Right, now to get cracking .. arf arf

  31. Hi Edd,

    These look wonderful. I have just started venturing into the mac world, made my first batch today but think I overbeat the mix as it sank when they came out of the oven. Just looking at this recipe it uses granulated sugar, do you think the results would be different if I used caster sugar? Also when boiling the sugar, do u give it a mix to help the sugar melt or not touch as I read somewhere that the sugar will crystalise again if you stir it whilst boiling?? Sorry for all the questions. Many thanks in advance 🙂 x

    • I have made them with no prolem using caster for the syrup, once the sugar has dissolved I dont mix it because as you say it can recrystalise

  32. Hi, wondering if the Macaron book by Pierre Herme in English is published? If yes, wondering where I could get them? Thank you. The macarons you made in the Great British Wedding Cake looks fabulous!

    • as far as I know the english version seems to be constantly delayed was due out last april 😦

  33. Why does my macarons stick to the parchment paper? I had great difficulty removing them. I have yet to try your recipe and method. But will soon be. Also how do you age the egg whites?

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